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New point of communication in university admission: When schools are more youthful and “trendy”

The changing information-seeking habits of Gen Z and the increasingly competitive admissions landscape are compelling universities to innovate their communication strategies.

Challenges demanding innovation in university marketing strategies

As higher education transitions from a public benefit to a self-financed service, attracting Gen Z “customers” requires universities to make their educational “products” more appealing. Growing up in the digital age, Gen Z is constantly exposed to a wealth of creative and entertaining content on social media, consuming information at a rapid and continuous pace. This shift in information consumption habits necessitates a change in universities’ marketing strategies.

The rising number of universities and the diverse range of majors make it increasingly challenging to ensure consistent enrollment across all programs, especially for specialized fields. The “admissions race” is no longer just about the quality of education but also about creative communication strategies that make a school stand out.

Therefore, innovation is the key for universities to thrive in the fiercely competitive admissions landscape.

Innovative admissions marketing helps universities attract more applicants

New approaches in university admissions communication

Investing in communication innovation is not only a trend but also a smart strategy that brings numerous benefits to universities, such as:

  • Enhanced interaction and connection with potential students
  • Increased brand awareness and differentiation
  • Improved conversion rates

Diversifying creative formats makes admissions content more impactful

To succeed in the admissions race, universities are adopting fresh and creative communication strategies that resonate with the younger generation:

  • Diversifying content creation on social media with various formats and design styles, creating a strong visual impression on viewers: GIFs, Infographics, Motion Graphics, Livestreams, Minigames…
  • Using youthful and trendy language to create a sense of familiarity, humor, and alignment with the information consumption culture of young people.
  • Personalizing messages for different target groups to focus on the specific benefits that the program and the university can offer prospective students.
  • Leveraging the power of Influencer Marketing to spread messages wider and reach the right target audience.
  • Applying new technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) and other forms, to enhance creative experiences and interaction on social media.

Achieving admissions success with GAPIT Media

As a trusted partner of numerous universities during admissions seasons, GAPIT Media has collaborated with institutions to develop and implement effective communication campaigns, helping them achieve their enrollment goals.

With creative big ideas and consistent communication strategies, GAPIT Media has helped Phenikaa University achieve remarkable success in enhancing its brand, attracting potential students, and solidifying its position in higher education.

Eye-catching admissions visuals of Phenikaa University

For the School of Business and Management (HSB) – Vietnam National University, Hanoi – a fresh approach to content delivery has rejuvenated the school’s image, making admissions information about its internationally accredited programs more accessible and engaging for prospective students.

An admissions banner of the School of Business and Management (HSB) – Vietnam National University, Hanoi

Explore more of GAPIT Media’s education case studies to discover the keys to success for universities participating in the “race” to innovate their communication strategies.

Creative and viral Mid-Autumn Festival content ideas

“Swinging Mid-Autumn Festival” inspired by “playing the moon” is one of the creative content ideas for the Mid-Autumn Festival implemented by GAPIT Media. Explore now!

Mid-Autumn Festival 2024 content trends

The impact of floods and storms in the lead-up to the Mid-Autumn Festival has made people appreciate life’s values, present happiness, and the bonds of family even more. The content trend for Mid-Autumn Festival 2024 is not just about lantern parades and festive feasts, but also an opportunity for brands to make their creative mark through stories about family love, precious moments of reunion, and cherishing every moment of life.

The Mid-Autumn Festival 2024 content trend cannot be without content about the values of family love

Creative Mid-Autumn Festival content ideas

If you’re looking for engaging content for the Mid-Autumn Festival, check out some of the ideas GAPIT Media has implemented below!

1. Highlighting family emotions during the Reunion Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Reunion Festival, is an occasion for the whole family to gather, enjoy mooncakes and tea, admire the moon, and share heartwarming stories. The theme of family is a content topic that easily resonates during the Mid-Autumn Festival, with various perspectives to explore such as: the desire for reunion; homesickness of those far from home; precious moments of gathering…

From the essence of family affection, many brands have successfully touched the hearts of their audience through various storytelling methods such as TVCs, minigames, mini-contests, or special communication campaigns dedicated to the moon festival season.

The moment of gathering with family in PVI Insurance’s New Year wishes

2. Mid-Autumn Festival: The excitement of children

The image of children joyfully parading with lanterns under the moonlight is an indispensable part of the Mid-Autumn Festival. This festival is an occasion for children to have fun, parade with lanterns, and enjoy festive treats. Brands can draw inspiration from the image of children to create messages that spread empathy and love, bringing joy to the little ones.

Banner of the Full Moon Festival program for children

3. Mid-Autumn Festival: Ancient and Modern times

The contrasting perspectives between the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival and the modern one reveal interesting changes between the present and the past, evoking nostalgia in the audience’s memories. The theme of “then and now” always offers various creative approaches to avoid monotony and easily create empathy among viewers.

Comic with the theme “Mid-Autumn Festival as an adult”

4. Celebrating the beauty of traditional Mid-Autumn Festival

The elements of traditional folk culture always possess a unique beauty. When it comes to the Mid-Autumn Festival, people cannot forget its distinctive features: the moon-viewing feast, lantern parades, mooncakes, lion dances, star lanterns, the story of Chu Cuoi and the Moon Lady…

Amidst daily life with countless new and modern beauties imported from all over the world, traditional values become even more prominent if skillfully utilized in conveying messages, images, and content.

GAPIT Media recreates the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival feast in NAPAS’s product

5. Mid-Autumn Festival promotions

An indispensable content idea for the Mid-Autumn Festival is special promotional programs aimed at showing appreciation to customers and driving conversions, increasing sales.

Video of Bayer Crop Science Vietnam’s Mid-Autumn Festival promotion program

GAPIT Media’s Mid-Autumn season of love

Not standing apart from the general trend, each moon festival season is an opportunity for GAPIT Media to create special gifts with meaningful messages. In 2024, GAPIT Media brings “Swinging Mid-Autumn Festival” with a youthful spirit of “enjoying the moon,” always giving our all and cherishing every value in life.

GAPIT Media’s 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival content is inspired by the spirit of “playing for the moon” of youth

Don’t want to miss trending Mid-autumn news, stay tuned for the “masterpiece” of the moon season from GAPIT Media.

Meme Marketing: Spreading messages through laughter

With its strong viral potential, meme marketing is increasingly proving to be a useful marketing tool. Let’s explore the power of Meme Marketing, the reasons behind its trendiness, and important considerations when implementing this strategy.

What is Meme Marketing?

The term “meme” first appeared in the book “The Selfish Gene” by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins [1]. At that time, “meme” was used to describe the rapid spread of an idea, behavior, or style from person to person within a culture, similar to how genes are inherited in biology.

Meme Marketing – More Than Just a Trend

However, thanks to the power of social media, memes have transcended their original definition and become a cultural phenomenon. Today, memes often appear in the form of humorous images or videos, used to express opinions, comments on events, or simply bring laughter to viewers.

Businesses quickly catch on and turn memes into an effective marketing tool. By leveraging the humor, relatability, and viral nature of memes, businesses cleverly use them to build deeper connections with their target audience.

Why Meme Marketing is trending

In today’s fast-paced and stressful modern life, audiences seek lighthearted, concise, and humorous entertainment to relieve tension. Memes often reflect everyday situations and emotions, creating empathy and making them feel closer to the brand.

GAPIT Media’s humorous Meme for the EcoVillage Project

Moreover, the production and operation costs of Meme Marketing are significantly lower compared to traditional forms of advertising[2]. Without the need for large investments in video production or expensive advertising, both large and small businesses can participate in the Meme Marketing game.

Flexibility is also a major advantage of Meme Marketing. Memes can be customized and creatively adapted to suit various industries, products, and target audiences. This helps brands easily convey their messages in a creative and relatable way, creating strong connections with their target customers.

Finally, we cannot overlook the viral potential of memes. An interesting and engaging meme can drive shares widely on social media, helping the brand reach a large number of users organically.

With these outstanding advantages, Meme Marketing deserves to be an effective marketing tool that businesses should not ignore.

Considerations when applying Meme Marketing to communication campaigns

To achieve maximum effectiveness with Meme Marketing, businesses need to keep in mind the following important points:

  • Brand Alignment:

No matter how humorous, memes still need to ensure harmony with the brand’s image, values, and messages. Avoid using memes that are offensive, insulting, or could cause misunderstandings, negatively impacting the brand’s image.

  • Staying Trendy:

Memes have a short lifespan; what’s hot today may become outdated tomorrow. Therefore, businesses need to be quick in grasping the latest trends and creating suitable memes. Delays can make memes outdated and ineffective for marketing campaigns.

Humorous and witty memes inspired by the “EZ Papa” MV have struck a chord with parents

  • Creativity and Differentiation:

In the diverse and rich world of memes, copying others’ ideas will drown your brand among thousands of similar content. For Meme Marketing to be truly effective, creativity and uniqueness are necessary, seeking new perspectives to create trends with a distinct brand identity.

  • Respecting Copyright:

Copyright is a sensitive issue. When using images, videos, or music in memes, businesses need to ensure they have permission or use legally copyrighted materials.

GAPIT Media leads the Meme Marketing wave

Not limited to traditional marketing campaigns, GAPIT Media is also a pioneer in applying Meme Marketing creatively and effectively to client projects, exemplified by the promotional campaign for the Blue Forest subdivision at EcoVillage Saigon River and Chicco’s “EZ Papa” music video.

With the “EZ Papa” MV, GAPIT Media skillfully harnessed the power of memes to spread its message. Humorous and witty memes inspired by the MV authentically captured relatable and lighthearted moments that any parent could experience. This approach propelled the “EZ Papa” MV to viral status on social media, creating a wave of empathy and capturing the attention of a wide audience.

Setting the direction for meme marketing for the EcoVillage project created a new wave in the high-end real estate industry

GAPIT Media didn’t stop there. They continued to make their mark with a groundbreaking Meme Marketing campaign for the EcoVillage project, creating a new wave in the luxury real estate sector. Instead of a direct sales approach, GAPIT Media chose a bold approach: not directly “selling” the product, but focusing on evoking emotions and spreading subtle lifestyle values through Memes. From witty sayings about luxury living to “trendy” Memes about green living spaces, each Meme carries the unique mark of EcoVillage, cleverly conveying the message of a fulfilling and complete life amidst nature.

GAPIT Media has proven that Memes are not just for young people or mass-market products but can also conquer the high-end segment.

Learn more about the EcoVillage Case Study here and và Chicco Case study here.

Case studies on integrating ESG into marketing campaigns

Integrating ESG principles into marketing campaigns is emerging as a key strategy for businesses, boosting brand reputation and contributing to societal sustainability.

1. High-impact ESG-integrated marketing campaigns in Vietnam

In 2022, Nestle successfully integrated ESG factors into its communication campaign titled ‘Nâng niu lắm, thiên nhiên ơi’. This campaign focused on the NESCAFÉ Plan, a long-term Nestle initiative to promote sustainable agriculture, reduce negative environmental impacts, and improve farmers’ livelihoods. Nestle utilized music to connect with young consumers, collaborating with music producer Touliver and singer My Anh to convey ecological messages, helping young people better understand the importance of protecting nature.

Nestle and “Nâng niu lắm, thiên nhiên ơi” campaign

In addition to music, the campaign created a multi-sensory experience by collaborating with Vietcetera to launch the “Đi-tox” talk show series, filmed in the lush green coffee farm, listening to the sounds of nature to help viewers feel the connection between humans and nature. Through this campaign, Nestle promoted its products and built an image of a brand responsible to the community and the environment.

When discussing marketing campaigns with corporate ESG elements, Vinamilk cannot be overlooked for its decades-long initiatives. From 2012 to 2020, Vinamilk established the ‘One Million Trees for Vietnam’ fund, contributing to greening the environment and raising public awareness about the importance of nature conservation. In December 2023, Vinamilk focused on promoting its premium milk line, Green Farm, produced from Green Farm with three main aspects: carefully selected inputs, regenerative agricultural practices, and the application of modern technology in sustainable agriculture.

Vinamilk with “Vinamilk Green Farm – Điều không tưởng” campaign

Since 2007, Vinamilk’s Vietnam Rising Milk Fund has been deeply ingrained in the minds of consumers as one of the most typical social initiatives, contributing positively to improving nutrition and enhancing the quality of life for millions of children nationwide. Through the fund’s activities, Vinamilk has reached out to many customers in rural and mountainous areas while building a reputation as a leading dairy brand that cares about profits and pays special attention to the community, especially children. Vinamilk’s ESG marketing campaigns have been sustained for many years, continuously communicating to consumers that the brand truly cares and takes action to build a better world, thereby strengthening customer loyalty.

At the end of 2023, Kinh Do successfully joined the trend with its Trash Right campaign, demonstrating its commitment to building a sustainable environment. This campaign not only focused on changing the packaging of Kinh Do’s products into environmentally friendly materials but also aimed to raise community awareness about waste, especially plastic waste.

On product packaging, Kinh Do prints instructions on how to sort and recycle waste, making it easy for consumers to participate in this process. The company also communicates about Trash Right through multiple channels including Facebook, and online news sites, and collaborates with NGOs and schools to implement educational activities and raise awareness about environmental protection for the younger generation. Kinh Do commits to making 100% of its product packaging recyclable by 2025, contributing to responsible waste management and inspiring positive change in young people.

2. Advantages of incorporating ESG into marketing campaigns

2.1. Enhance brand image and credibility

With growing societal awareness of social and environmental issues, consumers are demanding more from brands. Beyond product quality, they seek businesses that prioritize sustainability. By demonstrating a strong ESG commitment, companies can differentiate themselves from competitors, build trust, and foster customer loyalty.

The banking industry is one of the leading sectors that apply ESG principles to business operations and marketing. According to the State Bank of Vietnam, up to 90% of banks have partially or fully adopted ESG criteria in their operations now. Previously in 2023, SHB Bank made an impression with its 30th-anniversary communication campaign, conducted with the consultation, companionship, and support of GAPIT Media. The campaign’s activities received significant attention and discussion on social media, effectively conveying the bank’s core values to its customers. By showcasing SHB’s ESG initiatives, the campaign boosted customer confidence, attracted new customers, and expanded the bank’s market reach.

Marketing campaigns that integrate ESG bring many great benefits to businesses

2.2. Enhance reputation and engagement with partners and customers

Marketing campaigns that incorporate ESG elements often address customers’ concerns. When businesses share stories, perspectives, and contributions to social issues, they inadvertently create a sense of empathy with customers. On the other hand, ESG activities always require accuracy, transparency, and high responsibility. Once a business has publicized its activities and results after its ESG campaign, it will build trust, making customers want to stay longer.

From the perspective of investors and business partners, ESG is often long-term, so when focusing on ESG, businesses will receive attention from investors passionate about sustainable development, thereby increasing opportunities to access investment capital.

3. Pitfalls to avoid in ESG marketing

3.1. Stay true to your brand

While the color green and natural imagery are common elements in ESG campaigns, businesses must ensure that these elements align with their overall brand identity. Adhering to brand guidelines is crucial for maintaining a cohesive and recognizable brand.

3.2. Develop a compelling narrative with visually appealing content

Storytelling is commonly used in ESG campaigns and should be based on real-life stories to help customers understand the message the company wants to convey. For instance, with the Green Farm model, Vinamilk utilized visual imagery, specific data, and information to illustrate the closed-loop process from farm to finished milk products.

3.3. Avoid greenwashing

Greenwashing is the deceptive practice of promoting products or services as environmentally friendly but they are not. In 2023, fast fashion retailer H&M faced a massive backlash after the truth about their clothing donation and recycling campaign was exposed. Instead of collecting and recycling the clothes, H&M sent them to Africa, creating huge fast fashion landfills. The H&M scandal has cast a shadow over ESG marketing efforts, leading people to doubt and consider them mere publicity stunts.

While collecting comprehensive ESG data can be challenging, businesses should prioritize accuracy and transparency. Inaccurate or incomplete information can undermine customer trust and damage the company’s reputation. ESG reporting should provide stakeholders with a clear and accurate picture of the company’s sustainability performance.

Businesses need to avoid “greenwashing”

ESG communication campaigns are long-term journeys that require businesses to demonstrate a genuine commitment to sustainable business practices and address environmental and social issues. While demanding, these campaigns can attract a new customer base that shares the company’s values, enhance brand reputation, and foster stronger relationships with partners and customers.

Follow the GAPIT Media website to stay up-to-date on the latest marketing trends!

Rephrase with Ginger (Ctrl+Alt+E)

Travel Influencer Marketing: Key to Boost Tourism Development

In today’s digital age, tourism has evolved beyond mere sightseeing shared experiences on social media platforms. In Vietnam, the rise of Travel Influencers – individuals with significant social media followings – shapes tourism trends and influences travel decisions.

1. What is Travel Influencer Marketing?

Travel Influencer Marketing is a form of communication that utilizes the influence of social media personalities to promote travel destinations, products, and services. These individuals are typically passionate about travel and have a large following on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. They share their real-life travel experiences, and introduce attractive check-in spots and delicious eateries to their followers, inspiring them to explore new destinations and utilize travel products and services.

Travel Influencer Marketing uses the influence of social media personalities to promote travel destinations

2. Stimulating Tourism Demand through Travel Influencer Marketing

Travel influencers typically gravitate towards novel and intriguing destinations, those gaining popularity among travelers, or familiar locations yet presented from a fresh and unexplored perspective. After meticulously crafting their travel itinerary, encompassing routes, accommodation, and dining options, they research and document the local culture, history, and customs through captivating imagery, videos, or blog posts.

Upon completing their adventures, travel influencers share these authentic experiences with their followers across image and video-sharing platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, or on blog-friendly platforms like Facebook and travel blogs. They actively engage with their audience by responding to comments, and messages, or hosting live streams to address inquiries and provide further insights for potential travelers.

Captivating audiences with their unique and experiential journeys, coupled with authentic and relatable storytelling, renowned travel influencers include Khoai Lang Thang (YouTube), Phuong Di Dau (TikTok), Chan La Ca (YouTube), Son Doan (Instagram), and The Vu Day (TikTok)…

Travel influencers can be considered brand ambassadors for businesses and tourism ambassadors for local destinations. Leveraging their influence, they can:

  • Inspire travel among their social media followers
  • Reach target audiences desired by brands
  • Contribute to seasonal tourism growth
  • Enhance reader trust through genuine travel reviews

While travel influencer marketing can be a powerful tool, its effectiveness hinges on the quality of the services, projects, and tourism activities promoted. Travel influencers build their credibility on the trust of their followers. If followers experience subpar services or activities, a travel influencer’s reputation is hit, leading to biased reviews and diminished campaign impact. Moreover, today’s savvy travelers demand high-quality experiences and can easily discern inauthentic recommendations, prioritizing destinations that deliver genuine value. To ensure successful influencer marketing, it’s crucial to focus on:

  • Invest in well-maintained infrastructure, modern amenities, impeccable cleanliness, professional and attentive service, and a warm welcome
  • Develop unique and appealing experiences that align with current trends and traveler preferences
  • Gather and address feedback to continuously improve the travel experience for visitors

To use Travel Influencers effectively, the key is still service quality

3. Some typical case studies in Vietnam

3.1. Phu Quoc and the strategy of collaborating with celebrities to promote tourism

In recent years, Phu Quoc has emerged as a top travel destination in Vietnam, and this remarkable growth cannot be overlooked without acknowledging the significant contributions of Travel Influencers. Phu Quoc has partnered with many influencers to stimulate tourism demand, including Helly Tong, Ngo Tran Hai An, blogger Phan Anh Esheep, and Hoang Nam – Challenge Me. Their captivating images, videos, and blog posts have garnered positive responses from readers, effectively attracting a surge of interest in Phu Quoc travel.

Among Phu Quoc’s remarkable promotional efforts, the “Fruit Family” campaign stands out as a resounding success. This campaign features the Cam Cam Family, Dau Family, and Xoai Family, three social media darlings, embarking on captivating adventures across Phu Quoc. Their journeys are meticulously documented and shared on their respective YouTube channels, garnering millions of views and transforming Phu Quoc into a top-of-mind destination for domestic travel enthusiasts.

In 2023, Phu Quoc continued to leverage celebrity collaboration such as actress Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc in a cooperation project with Vietravel, Miss Do Thi Ha in the Miss Universe Vietnam 2023 contest, and Rapper Den Vau with Liveshow “Because Everyone Has Spring”. All of the above events were held in Phu Quoc, affirming this island as a leading tourist and entertainment destination in Vietnam.

3.2. Vietnam Travel magazine cooperates with Ninh Duong Story

In early 2024, Ninh Duong Story emerged as a social media sensation, capturing the attention of young audiences with its positive and inspiring content. In April, Vietnam Travel Magazine partnered with Ninh Duong Story to launch a promotional campaign for Ha Long Bay, attracting domestic and international tourists to this UNESCO-recognized World Natural Heritage site.

Ninh Duong Story cooperates with Vietnam Travel to promote Ha Long city

The partnership between Vietnam Travel Magazine and Ninh Duong Story resulted in a captivating special issue titled “Ha Long – Heritage Wonder.” This issue showcased the region’s captivating destinations, unique experiences, and rich cultural heritage through compelling articles, stunning visuals, and engaging videos. The publication garnered rave reviews from readers, with many commending its ability to raise awareness of Ha Long Bay tourism and provide valuable insights and recommendations for popular destinations across Vietnam.

Leveraging its massive social media following across platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, Ninh Duong Story has captivated audiences with engaging posts, images, and entertaining clips showcasing Ha Long Bay, garnering millions of views and interactions. The authenticity of their content, stemming from Ninh Duong’s connection to Ha Long Bay as their hometown, has resonated deeply with viewers, offering a fresh and loving perspective on the destination. This genuine approach has fueled a powerful ripple effect across social media, significantly contributing to the growth of Ha Long Bay tourism.

Travel Influencer Marketing can be a powerful tool for promoting tourism destinations, but its effectiveness hinges on the quality of the experiences offered by these destinations. When travelers have genuinely positive experiences, they are more likely to trust the information shared by Travel Influencers and make the decision to visit the promoted destination.

Elevate your brand with GAPIT Media‘s Influencer Marketing Solutions!

Sports Marketing – How can brands capitalize on EURO 2024?

Have you ever wondered why big brands are willing to spend billions of dollars sponsoring tournaments or teams? The explosive growth of the football industry has led to more diverse and rich Sports Marketing, creating opportunities for brands to reach customers effectively.

1. Sports Marketing in recent years

Sports marketing is a term that emerged in the late 20th century to describe marketing to promote products, services, or events, and to build brand equity in sports.

According to The Business Research Company, the global sports industry is projected to reach a value of $623 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate of 5.6%. The proliferation of sports and the increasing popularity of football have fueled the growth of sports marketing, making it a preferred choice for many major brands in recent years.

Sports marketing capitalizes on sports’ immense popularity to provide brands with a powerful platform for growth. By sponsoring tournaments or collaborating with football icons, brands can tap into the massive fan base and achieve significant brand visibility.

Major tournaments are opportunities for brands to use Sports Marketing effectively

Tournaments like the Premier League, Champions League, EURO, Copa America, and World Cup provide brands with prime opportunities to leverage sports marketing and reach a vast audience.

Gemius AdReal data revealed that during UEFA EURO 2020, Coca-Cola reached over 36 million users and garnered over 704 million ad interactions. Heineken also achieved impressive results, reaching nearly 8.5 million real users with a reach rate of over 20% and over 17 million ad interactions. These figures underscore the immense power of the major football tournaments as platforms for brands to connect with millions of fans worldwide.

2. A golden opportunity for big brands at EURO 2024

EURO 2024 is nearing its conclusion when Spain and England vie for the championship. According to Deloitte, this year’s EURO can generate a total revenue of €2.4 billion, with television rights being the vital revenue stream as UEFA forecasts over 5 billion viewers. The immense appeal of this global tournament presents a golden opportunity for brands to enhance their visibility, engage with customers, and become household names.

There are two primary sports marketing strategies brands employed during EURO 2024: becoming the official sponsor of the entire tournament or sponsoring specific teams or players based on their commercial value.

Hisense, a three-time strategic partner of the UEFA EURO, has once again taken center stage as one of the 13 official sponsors of EURO 2024. Through its “Beyond Glory” campaign, Hisense is committed to creating a deeper connection with football fans worldwide. By offering immersive experiences in dedicated zones in host cities, Hisense enhances the viewing experience and fosters a sense of community among fans.

Hisense’s “Beyond Glory” campaign during EURO 2024

Hisense has taken its “Leading Technology, Exciting EURO” campaign beyond European borders, reaching markets such as Vietnam. By delivering a series of innovative and engaging activities, Hisense has crafted a memorable campaign that resonates with football enthusiasts around the globe.

Coca-Cola, another official sponsor of EURO 2024, has launched an innovative campaign titled “The Ritual Cup.” Beyond product promotion, this campaign explores the ritual of enjoying Coca-Cola during football matches and invites fans to share their experiences on social media. Coca-Cola also runs an “Endless Summer” promotion on their packaging, offering exciting prizes such as EURO 2024 match tickets to engage more consumers.

Coca-Cola’s “The Ritual Cup” campaign exemplifies the brand’s ability to create emotional bonds with consumers. By uncovering the unique ways people enjoy Coca-Cola during football matches, the brand delivers more than just a product; it provides fans with unforgettable experiences.

Besides becoming official sponsors, brands often invest in individual teams or star players. Nike, Adidas, and Puma, the big three of sports, are locked in a constant battle for supremacy, particularly during high-profile tournaments like EURO 2024. These brands are ready to shell out hundreds of millions of euros for monopoly outfitting players.

EURO 2024 brings together 24 competing countries, in which Nike, Adidas, and Puma are the main sponsors of 9, 6, and 4 football federations in Europe, respectively. It signifies that the logos of the above brands will appear heavily in every match and event before and after the matches. In addition, these brands will also be the suppliers of sports products such as shoes, balls, and training gear for teams and players when participating in tournament-related activities.

Sponsoring sports teams provides brands with an unparalleled opportunity for exposure. Jerseys act as walking billboards, reaching millions of viewers globally. By aligning with the excitement of a major tournament, brands can launch new, trendy collections that appeal to a wide audience. The 2024 shoe collections from Nike, Adidas, and Puma, with their respective themes of “Mad Brilliance,” and “Forever Faster,” exemplify this strategy.

EURO 2024 exclusive collections from Nike, Adidas and Puma

3. Marketing solutions for brands

One of the key factors contributing to the success of sports marketing campaigns is the power of imagery. Visuals in these campaigns convey messages and evoke emotions from the audience. For instance, in Hisense’s “Beyond Glory” campaign, the appearance of legendary goalkeeper Manuel Neuer in every visual pays tribute to the athletes who dedicate themselves to professional UEFA leagues and demonstrates the company’s strong commitment to its customers and products.

The imagery used in sports marketing campaigns demands uniqueness, novelty, and impact. It must be aesthetically pleasing while effectively conveying the brand’s message. To achieve this, communications agencies typically offer two solutions to businesses seeking to optimize resources, build brand image, and enhance customer engagement: Strategic Planning and Creative Solutions. This is not a challenging task for communications agencies in general, and GAPIT Media in particular, as they possess a team of experienced creatives capable of crafting campaigns that reach a wide audience across various channels and capture attention.

EURO 2024 sports marketing provides significant advantages to major brands, including increased brand recognition and customer loyalty. EURO 2024, and major sporting events in general, are global spectacles that capture the attention of fans worldwide. By sponsoring these events, brands demonstrate their commitment to communities and the values of sports. As a result, it helps build trust with existing customers and provides an excellent opportunity to expand their market reach and attract new consumers.

Associating with major sporting events helps brands build a dynamic, youthful, and close image with consumers. Interactive activities, competitions, and special events on the sidelines of EURO 2024 launched by the brand will create memorable experiences for customers, strengthening the bond between brands and consumers.


Sports Global Market Report 2024: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/sports-global-market-report

Euro2020 Sponsors. Reach analysis of the advertising campaigns from the FMCG industry in Germany: https://gemius.com/blog/euro2020-sponsors-analysis-of-the-reach-of-advertising-campaigns-from-the-fmcg-industry-in-germany/

Annual Review of Football Finance 2024 | Deloitte UK: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/de/Documents/consumer-business/Deloitte_Annual_Review_of_Football_Finance_2024_Studie_UK.pdf

KOL, KOC, KOS: The Explosion of Influencer Marketing

Making good use of the strengths of Influencer Marketing will help businesses achieve significant resonance in their communication campaigns, bringing products and brands closer to the public.

1. Terms in Influencer Marketing: KOL, KOC, KOS

“KOL” (Key Opinion Leader) are individuals who influence the community through their in-depth knowledge in a specific field or industry. They can be journalists, entrepreneurs, politicians, or celebrities, and do not necessarily need to use social media because they are recognized by the community for their expertise in a certain field or industry.

“KOC” (Key Opinion Consumer) are consumers who have influence in the market. KOCs have diverse and genuine experiences with products, understand emotions, needs, and grasp consumer psychology well. Therefore, KOCs play an important role in increasing consumer trust in products and influencing their purchasing decisions.

“KOS” (Key Opinion Sales) are content creators with professional sales skills. They have knowledge about products and brands and can convey that information to buyers in a lively and credible manner. KOS are divided into two groups: “Brand-affiliated KOS,” who are typically employees of a brand/company, and “Independent KOS,” who are usually freelance live streamers.

Increasing Terms in Influencer Marketing

Among the three popular terms in Influencer Marketing, KOS is a new trend that has been highly favored in the market recently. According to AccessTrade Vietnam, since the beginning of 2024, there have been approximately 2.5 million live sales streams per month on online platforms like Facebook, Shopee, and TikTok; more than 50,000 sellers have participated. On average, Vietnamese people spend 13 hours a week shopping via live streams. This indicates that KOS can become a “HOT” profession with significant development potential.

Some typical examples of successful KOS include the duo Lucie Nguyen – Tuan Duong, who achieved nearly VND 26.5 billion in sales after 15 hours of live streaming on TikTok on April 4. Pham Thoai, another notable KOS, sold more than 75,000 orders in just 24 hours of live streaming, earning over VND 1.2 billion per month solely from selling on TikTok.

2. Differentiating KOL – KOC – KOS: Roles in Marketing Activities

Depending on the different goals of each marketing campaign, businesses can base their decisions on the distinct roles of each group of Influencers to make appropriate and cost-effective choices for optimal results.

KOS is a new concept but has tremendous development potential.

Below are the basic differences among the three groups KOL – KOC – KOS based on two criteria: Content Development Orientation and Influence Level.

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3. Effective Influencer Marketing Selection Formula

Faced with numerous opportunities to attract customers through influencers, choosing the right Influencer for marketing activities requires businesses to grasp the correct “formula” to achieve optimal communication effectiveness.

Choosing an Influencer for each campaign should consider the 3R principle:


Reach is measured by the number of followers (Followers) or the extent to which the Influencer is recognized by the public. This measure classifies Influencers from small, medium to large, including: Nano – Micro – Macro – Mega.

For example, with KOLs: Nano-KOLs have 1,000 to 10,000 Followers, Micro-KOLs have 10,000 to 100,000 Followers, and Mega-KOLs have over 1,000,000 Followers.

The choice of KOL, KOC, or KOS with what level of influence depends on the marketing campaign budget and the product of the business. However, choosing Influencers with larger followings does not necessarily yield higher effectiveness because sometimes selecting an Influencer who impacts too many audience groups does not “target” the brand’s specific customer group.


Influencers need to be a good fit for the brand or product based on three factors:

  • Target Audience Relevance: Demographic compatibility between the brand’s target audience and the Influencer’s follower group.
  • Personality Relevance: Compatibility in image and personality between the Influencer and the brand.
  • Content Relevance: Compatibility in viewpoints, content, and presentation style created by the Influencer with the brand’s image and the direction and message they want to convey in the marketing campaign.


Resonance index depends on many factors, not just determined by the Influencer alone but also the brand’s credibility, the content of the message, and other campaign resources. The more carefully the resonance index is calculated, the higher the likelihood of the campaign’s success with the help of the Influencer.

“Live a Profitable Life” is a successful campaign with high Resonance index

For example, in a communication campaign by GAPIT Media: VietinBank’s “Live a Profitable Life” in collaboration with artist Den Vau, the resonance index was significantly boosted by multi-channel communication effects. The acceptance from the community combined with the resonance effect from many KOLs and KOCs on social channels like Facebook, TikTok with inspirational content naturally viralized the #songmotdoicolai hashtag with positive results:

  • Over 5000 posts with the #songmotdoicolai hashtag on Facebook;
  • Over 11.6 million views with the #songmotdoicolai hashtag on TikTok.

With additional resonance from “Show cua Den” held in Hanoi, the campaign garnered good interaction not only within the community but also achieved wide coverage on social media and news sites, attracting fans of Ha Anh Tuan – a special guest in the liveshow…

Besides, another resonance criterion to consider is the campaign budget, and afterward, businesses need to measure effectiveness to learn from the experience for selecting Influencer Marketing in the next campaign.

▶▶▶ Explore more successful Influencer Marketing campaigns with GAPIT Media

AI & Digital Marketing: A Powerful Ally or a Threat to Marketers?

Is AI the key to success in digital marketing or does it harbor unforeseen risks? The balance is currently tipping more towards one side, let’s explore it together in this article by GAPIT Media.

AI: The Game-Changer for Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is booming and seeping into every aspect of life, from technology, medicine, education, and even digital marketing. AI brings powerful tools and solutions that help marketers reach and solve tasks more effectively, thereby improving campaign performance and revenue.

According to a HubSpot survey, marketers typically apply AI to the following tasks:

  • 40% apply AI to Data analysis/reporting
  • 39% apply to Research (market research, writing summary reports)
  • 38% apply to Content creation


Below, we will delve deeper into the applications of AI in digital marketing:

  1. Data analysis: AI helps collect and analyze large amounts of data from various sources, helping marketers better understand the behavior and preferences of their target customers. As a result, marketing experts can make more informed decisions when building strategies.
  2. Ad optimization: AI helps users choose the right keywords, target audience, ad placement, and adjust bids in real time to optimize costs, increase conversion rates, and ad revenue.
  3. Personalized user experience: With machine learning algorithms, AI can recommend suitable products, send marketing emails with attractive content and promotions for each customer segment. This helps build stronger customer relationships, increase loyalty, and encourage them to buy more.
  4. Chatbots and virtual assistants: AI-integrated chatbots can support answering questions, providing product information, processing orders, etc.; reducing the burden on customer service, improving service quality, and increasing customer satisfaction.
  5. Content automation: AI-based content creation tools can create articles, ads, marketing emails quickly and efficiently; saving marketers time and effort while increasing the effectiveness of marketing activities.

AI is still being applied to hundreds of other tasks in the field of digital marketing.

AI and The Creator: A collaboration or a competition?

AI has asserted its undeniable position in digital marketing, especially for tasks that require high accuracy and automation. However, in the field of creation, the role of AI is still a hotly debated topic.

While AI demonstrates remarkable creativity, its “artificial” nature is undeniable. While AI can simulate and support creative activities, it cannot overshadow the value of humans in this field. The limitation of AI compared to humans lies in the lack of personal perspective, emotional nuance, and authenticity. In the meantime, to create works of art, literature, and music, they all need to stem from the real experiences and emotions of the creator. In addition, AI is also limited by the data source, cannot extract information from limited sources, making AI unable to create completely original and thought-provoking content like humans.

AI will still play an important role as a powerful ally for marketers in general and content creators in particular. Instead of worrying about the development of AI, creators should take advantage of the strengths of this technology to optimize the creative process. Combining the power of AI with human creativity, intuition, and emotion will be the key to creating more impressive works than ever before.

GAPIT Media is also not out of the wave of applying AI in its marketing communication activities. To effectively implement and develop AI applications, GAPIT Media has invited leading experts in the field of AI technology to share knowledge and skills with employees. These training and guidance sessions help the company’s employees improve their understanding and ability to use AI-based tools and software in their daily work.

Currently, GAPIT Media has implemented AI applications in many different aspects of the workflow, such as: Researching information, directing content, generating ideas for creative publications, … thereby enhancing operational efficiency and competitive position in the market.

Gamification Marketing – The trend of combining Marketing and Entertainment

Games are a popular pastime for users of tech devices in today’s society. In recent years, gamification has gradually become a trend in the marketing field, and more and more companies are turning to this form of entertainment to boost the effectiveness of their messaging. By incorporating game mechanics into a non-game environment, businesses can create new, more interesting, and engaging experiences for their customers, leading to increased customer loyalty and revenue.

What is Gamification Marketing?

The important element in Gamification Marketing is Gamification. Gamification encourages people to participate in non-game environments by using mechanisms that are only used in game design such as rewards, leveling up, and finding badges… Gamification will naturally encourage players to compete, strive for success, or work together to win rewards.

Thus, Gamification Marketing is the innovative and impressive integration and implementation of game rules, gameplay, and rewards into websites, mobile, and social marketing platforms to meet marketing objectives.

<Gamification Marketing integrates game-specific mechanics into a non-game environment>

Benefits of Gamification Marketing

Let’s take a closer look at what Gamification Marketing does for businesses and why it’s becoming one of the most popular forms of marketing in the modern era.

1. Increase interaction between customers and businesses

With just a new and eye-catching game on the website or mobile, businesses can keep customers on the site while encouraging them to share and invite more friends to play with them. Especially for websites, this not only helps increase visits and uprank in Google Search Result Pages but also creates a good impact on search engine optimization (SEO) activities for businesses.

According to Snipp’s research on the impact of Gamification Marketing (The Power of GAMIFICATION – Participation, Engagement, Loyalty – Snipp), businesses that implemented gamification into their business strategies saw 47% more customer interaction with their businesses and media messages, 22% more loyalty to the business, and 15% more brand awareness.

2. Boost conversion rates

Not any increase in engagement means an increase in conversion rate. However, the application of gamification marketing can make that more likely to happen.

Gamification marketing can convey messages that are close and natural and do not make customers feel forced. Challenges, scoring, and even rewards are designed with the specific interests of target audiences. That’s why customers feel like they’re in a virtual world where they can connect with others with similar interests or objectives.

Personalization is at the core of gamification marketing, making it easier for customers to recall messages and evoke more positive emotions, leading to higher conversion rates and, ultimately, higher sales.

<Gamification marketing applications can boost conversion rates>

3. Increase customer loyalty

Finding new customers is always more expensive than keeping existing ones. Understand that gamification is the only way for businesses to keep their existing customers and convert them into loyal customers.

There are two primary reasons for gamification marketing’s success:

– Bring positive value: Companies are cleverly integrating incentive programs, earning points to redeem gift items, and ranking members… to make customers feel as if they are part of the company.

– Create a sense of connection: The more appealing and engaging the games are, the more likely customers are to visit regularly to stay in top positions. The more time you spend with the games, the greater the level of familiarity and closeness to the business. Then, as time passes, the business image will stay on the customer’s top of mind.

4. Easily measure performance and collect customer data

Owning the game, the business has complete control over the campaign and can use social listening tools to measure the campaign’s performance with metrics like traffic, shares, and engagement.

Gamification marketing also allows businesses to observe how customers interact with games, capturing customer behavior data that can be used for future marketing plans. Additionally, businesses can avoid sensitive topics related to collecting customer data because customers opt to leave their data voluntarily and happy while playing games.

<Gamification Marketing easily measures performance and collects customer data>

GAPIT Media promotes Gamification in digital marketing activities for clients

In 2023, GAPIT Media deployed Gamification Marketing for Saigon – Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SHB).

In 2023, SHB Bank celebrated its 30th anniversary. Hence, the game’s concept was based on the bank’s development journey with special milestones. The game also cleverly integrated 6 key business values of the company. The game was integrated directly into SHB’s mobile e-banking app, so it was convenient for customers to play and interact. Through the game, customers can win valuable gifts and gain insight into the bank’s development process.

As a result, SHB and GAPIT Media successfully promoted the SHB brand image to customers and motivated them to use SHB products and services while introducing modern technology experiences via Gamification.

<GAPIT Media deployed Gamification Marketing for SHB>

After that, GAPIT Media signed a strategic cooperation with TAEMAKE & TriPlayZ for further gamification solutions in marketing activities for financial customers. The collaboration also reflected GAPIT Media’s vision and ambition to develop more innovative solutions to drive the effectiveness of communication and marketing.

What’s on Tet at GAPIT Media?

With the advent of the internet, social media, and other forms of communication, Vietnam’s media and advertising landscape has undergone many transformations. As a result, the Agency’s staff ought to be agile in understanding market trends, and prepared for rapid industry shifts and a high workload, particularly at the end of the year and the Lunar New Year, when companies launch communication campaigns that include large-scale shopping promotions.

Let’s take a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like for the Agency’s staff to work in the build-up to Tet, and how they’re keeping up with client expectations in the run-up to the special Tet.

People often tell us that Tet campaigns are stressful for agency employees. Do you have to deal with this kind of pressure at GAPIT Media?

There are some Tet campaigns in which deadlines are always “urgent” but instead of the pressure, I’ll focus on the word “recognition.” For instance, when discussing the Tet concept for a NAPAS campaign, the whole team voted for my concept. Then the campaign was launched successfully and I felt “recognized” by clients and colleagues. Likewíse, I believe my creative ideas have helped clients in some ways. It was a great feeling and helped me overcome the pressure of deadlines. – “Anonymous” H, Content Creator at GAPIT Media.

<GAPIT Media Team>

Do you have any interesting memories of meeting tight deadlines during Tet?

There was a time when I ran ads until the night of the 30th of Tet. There were also many times I already had a Tet holiday, but the posting schedule could not be postponed, so even if clients ordered on the first day of Tet, I was still “ready” to do it. Working at an Agency in general and GAPIT Media in particular, every employee is in a “ready” condition. Because everything has been planned, I won’t be caught by surprise. In addition, at an Agency, the more jobs, the happier. – VTTH, Digital Specialist at GAPIT Media.

I’ve never been on a deadline during Tet, but I have a memory of working until 10 pm on the days before Tet, working with the sound of people cheering outside. After all, it was Tet holiday, and everyone was off but I was still busy. At that time my mind was only thinking “When will I finish my work so I can quickly go home?”. I felt very impatient and got ants in my pants. – Ms. Beauty, Designer at GAPIT Media.

What sets Tet apart at GAPIT Media?

The difference is that our entire team has to be on call during Tet. When I first joined the Agency, it was very frustrating because it was Tet. Who would want to pay attention to data while spending time with their family? But once I’m familiar with the Agency environment, I find working during Tet quite enjoyable because during this time, my team members and I can text back and forth, keeping in touch with each other – VTTH, Digital Specialist at GAPIT Media.

Usually, the month leading up to Tet will be full of work or work-free. If I didn’t work for any agency, Tet would have been a month earlier because I hadn’t had a lot of work and I could go home early for Tet. It’s not like that at GAPIT Media. Tet also starts later because of the project schedule. However, in exchange, we have chances to work on many Tet campaigns for big brands. Products are made meticulously and beautifully. Known by many people will make you feel very proud. – Ms. Beauty, Designer at GAPIT Media.

<The 2024 Tet gift set “Giving Dragon Gem – Sending Sincerity” contains GAPIT Media’s expectations for the new year>

Tet is a time to reflect on our achievements in the previous year and look forward to best wishes in the next year. It’s the new year of 2024, what are you looking forward to in your future endeavors at GAPIT Media?

I expect bigger projects than last year. 2023 treated me well with large-scale campaigns and a lot of chances to collaborate with peers who always “recognize” my ideas. So I hope the same for 2024, and the bigger projects the happier I am and GAPIT Media will still be a place that allows us to be creative, contribute, and develop competency. – “Anonymous” H, Content Creator at GAPIT Media.

In the New Year, I will continue to embody the mindset of “be ready to work at any time, anywhere.” I’m not afraid of anything, I’m just afraid of not having a job. So I look forward to GAPIT Media winning more clients, thriving, and having greater success than 2023. – VTTH, Digital Specialist at GAPIT Media.

I’m waiting for “quality over quantity” projects. I’m hopeful that 2024 will bring more great projects, which give us more incentives to grow and be the best version of ourselves. – Ms. Beauty, Designer at GAPIT Media.

Tet brings everyone together with unique stories, unforgettable memories, and different feelings. A big cheer to everyone at GAPIT Media for making 2023 a wonderful year. 2024 is expected to be a year full of joy and laughter, and I wish that everyone’s dreams will be fulfilled in the coming year.