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What’s on Tet at GAPIT Media?

What’s on Tet at GAPIT Media?

With the advent of the internet, social media, and other forms of communication, Vietnam’s media and advertising landscape has undergone many transformations. As a result, the Agency’s staff ought to be agile in understanding market trends, and prepared for rapid industry shifts and a high workload, particularly at the end of the year and the Lunar New Year, when companies launch communication campaigns that include large-scale shopping promotions.

Let’s take a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like for the Agency’s staff to work in the build-up to Tet, and how they’re keeping up with client expectations in the run-up to the special Tet.

People often tell us that Tet campaigns are stressful for agency employees. Do you have to deal with this kind of pressure at GAPIT Media?

There are some Tet campaigns in which deadlines are always “urgent” but instead of the pressure, I’ll focus on the word “recognition.” For instance, when discussing the Tet concept for a NAPAS campaign, the whole team voted for my concept. Then the campaign was launched successfully and I felt “recognized” by clients and colleagues. Likewíse, I believe my creative ideas have helped clients in some ways. It was a great feeling and helped me overcome the pressure of deadlines. – “Anonymous” H, Content Creator at GAPIT Media.

<GAPIT Media Team>

Do you have any interesting memories of meeting tight deadlines during Tet?

There was a time when I ran ads until the night of the 30th of Tet. There were also many times I already had a Tet holiday, but the posting schedule could not be postponed, so even if clients ordered on the first day of Tet, I was still “ready” to do it. Working at an Agency in general and GAPIT Media in particular, every employee is in a “ready” condition. Because everything has been planned, I won’t be caught by surprise. In addition, at an Agency, the more jobs, the happier. – VTTH, Digital Specialist at GAPIT Media.

I’ve never been on a deadline during Tet, but I have a memory of working until 10 pm on the days before Tet, working with the sound of people cheering outside. After all, it was Tet holiday, and everyone was off but I was still busy. At that time my mind was only thinking “When will I finish my work so I can quickly go home?”. I felt very impatient and got ants in my pants. – Ms. Beauty, Designer at GAPIT Media.

What sets Tet apart at GAPIT Media?

The difference is that our entire team has to be on call during Tet. When I first joined the Agency, it was very frustrating because it was Tet. Who would want to pay attention to data while spending time with their family? But once I’m familiar with the Agency environment, I find working during Tet quite enjoyable because during this time, my team members and I can text back and forth, keeping in touch with each other – VTTH, Digital Specialist at GAPIT Media.

Usually, the month leading up to Tet will be full of work or work-free. If I didn’t work for any agency, Tet would have been a month earlier because I hadn’t had a lot of work and I could go home early for Tet. It’s not like that at GAPIT Media. Tet also starts later because of the project schedule. However, in exchange, we have chances to work on many Tet campaigns for big brands. Products are made meticulously and beautifully. Known by many people will make you feel very proud. – Ms. Beauty, Designer at GAPIT Media.

<The 2024 Tet gift set “Giving Dragon Gem – Sending Sincerity” contains GAPIT Media’s expectations for the new year>

Tet is a time to reflect on our achievements in the previous year and look forward to best wishes in the next year. It’s the new year of 2024, what are you looking forward to in your future endeavors at GAPIT Media?

I expect bigger projects than last year. 2023 treated me well with large-scale campaigns and a lot of chances to collaborate with peers who always “recognize” my ideas. So I hope the same for 2024, and the bigger projects the happier I am and GAPIT Media will still be a place that allows us to be creative, contribute, and develop competency. – “Anonymous” H, Content Creator at GAPIT Media.

In the New Year, I will continue to embody the mindset of “be ready to work at any time, anywhere.” I’m not afraid of anything, I’m just afraid of not having a job. So I look forward to GAPIT Media winning more clients, thriving, and having greater success than 2023. – VTTH, Digital Specialist at GAPIT Media.

I’m waiting for “quality over quantity” projects. I’m hopeful that 2024 will bring more great projects, which give us more incentives to grow and be the best version of ourselves. – Ms. Beauty, Designer at GAPIT Media.

Tet brings everyone together with unique stories, unforgettable memories, and different feelings. A big cheer to everyone at GAPIT Media for making 2023 a wonderful year. 2024 is expected to be a year full of joy and laughter, and I wish that everyone’s dreams will be fulfilled in the coming year.

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