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Performance Marketing 101: From Clicks to Conversions

Performance Marketing is a new form of marketing applied by businesses to optimize costs and increase profits. With the development of technology and the online advertising platform, Performance Marketing is becoming more and more popular than ever.

However, to be successful with Performance Marketing, businesses need a clear understanding of the strategic direction and fundamentals associated with it. 


Fundamentals of Performance Marketing

Firstly, Performance marketing, as opposed to traditional marketing, focuses on cost optimization to produce maximum profit. Cost optimization will assist companies in reducing advertising expenses, ensuring transparency, and achieving their objectives.

Performance Marketing is a Cost-Effective form of marketing

Secondly, Performance Marketing focuses on promotional activities based on their actual effectiveness, like conversion rates, signups or purchases. For instance, some key metrics and KPIs commonly used in performance marketing are: Return on Investment (ROI), Cost Per Click (CPC),… This way, businesses can ensure that they only pay for promotional activities that deliver real results for the business, reduce risk, and strengthen customer relationships. 

One crucial aspect of Performance Marketing is audience targeting, which involves identifying potential customers’ positions and interests to develop effective marketing strategies. With the advent of Big Data, marketers can analyze vast amounts of data, develop personalized customer segmentation models, and improve customer engagement strategies to boost future value.

With the data collected, marketing teams can optimize strategic goals

With the basic principles and understanding of Performance Marketing, businesses can optimize costs, increase sales and earn the highest profits. 

Performance Marketing vs Digital Marketing

Performance marketing is a popular online marketing technique derived from digital marketing, utilizing familiar tools. Although it may appear intimidating to distinguish between it and traditional digital marketing, let’s analyze some significant distinctions to gain a better comprehension of these two methods.

(However, choosing to make use of this new approach or stick to traditional digital marketing might seem like a daunting decision to make. Let us examine some key differences between these two methods to better understand them.)

Performance marketing compensates the marketing team or agency based on the defined advertising objectives, such as generating leads, sales, clicks, or conversions. A performance marketing agency is only remunerated when they meet preset goals through various communication channels.

Conventional digital marketing focuses on sustainable growth and customizes strategies for each business. This requires investment with the client ultimately making the decisions. Working with a performance-based marketing agency, however, allows the organization to develop optimal plans and strategies through various channels to achieve defined objectives and ensure ROI. This partnership fosters mutual trust and the pursuit of shared goals.

Therefore, if you have a tight budget and want to have control over your advertising spending, performance marketing is a better option. If you are more strategically minded and looking to play the long game, digital marketing is the way to go.

Benefits of Performance Marketing

When compared to other online marketing strategies, performance marketing offers many advantages. Performance marketing’s key benefits are:

  • Minimizing the risk in the overall process
  • Focusing on increasing ROI.
  • Execution can be easily monitored with an overview of performance.
  • Entirely calculable with marketing indicators.
  • Expense transparency.
  • Improved budget management for campaigns.
  • Greater advertising reach.
  • Inputs from advertising partners’ creative teams.



Why GAPIT for Performance Marketing?

Positioning as a performance-based creative agency, GAPIT Media offers a comprehensive marketing strategy that prioritizes clear and effective communication, unfettered access to ample resources, and fully dedicated service. Our team of digital experts is committed to helping you maximize your spending to achieve campaign objectives. 

Being a premier partner of leading online platforms like Google and Facebook, GAPIT Media has privileged access to extensive data sources and can develop strategies with favorable policies. By leveraging insights drawn from data on consumer behavior, preferences, and implementation, we carefully measure and refine our tactics to optimize campaigns, enhance performance, and drive revenue growth for our valued clients. Our industry expertise enables us to continuously fine-tune our approach, helping you achieve your desired outcomes efficiently and effectively.

GAPIT Media leverages its extensive training process and diverse experience to provide cutting-edge services to multi-industry clients. We tailor our strategies to each industry by incorporating our experience, methodologies, and data. Our approach is rooted in providing strategic and implementation consultancy that is uniquely tailored to specific business and industry needs. We take pride in offering solutions that drive development and growth for our clients.

So what are your marketing and advertising goals? Have you established a viable marketing strategy? Would performance marketing be a suitable fit for your business model? 

If you’re interested in learning more about the possibilities of incorporating performance marketing in your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a discussion. 

5 Effective ways to get more out of misconceptions about Marketing

Businesses use marketing as a point of light in the ever-changing era of social trends. However, there are still many misconceptions about marketing, leading to the absence of an effective strategy that impacts the budget.

Marketing is a vital field of business. Source (CongDongDigitalMarketing 2017)

Marketing is a vital field in business that helps companies reach customers and generate profits. However, in reality, there are many misconceptions about the marketing industry that, if not addressed correctly, can pose challenges for businesses in building strategies and implementing marketing plans. Here are some common misconceptions about the marketing industry:



Marketing is more than just PR. Source (Tam Tran n.d)

1. Marketing is only about advertising and selling

This is a common and misguided perspective about the field of Marketing. It’s similar to the story of the blind men and the elephant, where one person perceives the elephant as a trunk, while another perceives it as a pillar. Marketing is difficult to fully explain with a single definition. It is not simply about advertising and selling. Marketing is a broad concept that encompasses various interconnected activities such as market research, product development, brand positioning, pricing, and advertising.


Businesses and budget allocation. Source (Ngoc Nguyen 2019)

2. Small businesses don’t need to spend money and time on marketing

Small businesses may lack the resources to implement comprehensive marketing strategies or already have a stable base of loyal customers. They may also have budget constraints that limit their ability to execute extensive marketing campaigns like larger businesses. However, this doesn’t mean that they do not need marketing.

Marketing plays a crucial role for small businesses in reaching their target customers, building their brand, and generating sales. Marketing for small businesses needs to be implemented wisely and requires a process of careful research and planning to utilize internally available resources. Therefore, a specific plan through market research is essential to optimize budgets.


3. Everybody can do Marketing

According to Brand Camp Asia (n.d), contrary to the belief of some that marketing is an easy field that anyone can do, the reality is that marketing requires time and dedication investment to achieve tangible results.

Market research and customer understanding are vital components of the marketing process. Without dedicating time to prepare the necessary resources, the ability to attract customers and develop products will be limited. Sometimes, choosing inexpensive marketing methods may bring temporary effectiveness, but to achieve sustainable success, investment is inevitable during the implementation process.


Advertising is just one part of various marketing methods. Source (Joe Powers 2021)

4. Advertising is a part of the marketing strategy

Advertising is an important method for capturing customer attention and generating brand awareness, whether they are new customers or in need of re-engagement. However, advertising is just one part of various marketing methods. Tools such as search engine optimization (SEO) and targeted content play a crucial role in maintaining consumer interest after they have been initially attracted by an advertisement.

Advertising helps make the first impression of a business but should not be the sole focus of a marketing campaign. Research has shown that it takes 5 to 12 different touchpoints with a brand to capture customer interests.

Some examples of touchpoints in the customer experience include online advertising, email, product reviews, and the company’s website. This implies using various marketing methods such as creating engaging content, optimizing search engines, and utilizing different forms of customer engagement to maintain interaction and interest.


5. Marketing needs to bring fast results

Marketing is a crucial element for businesses to reach their target customers, build their brand, and generate sales. Nowadays, the pressure to achieve immediate results through marketing has significantly increased. Businesses face competition from traditional competitors, emerging companies and startups.

Moreover, modern consumers tend to change their preferences frequently, place more importance on immediate experiences, and expect prompt interaction and responsiveness from brands. This puts pressure on businesses to adapt and respond quickly to meet customer needs and expectations.

However, can marketing deliver instant results? The answer is yes, but only when the marketing strategy is well-planned and effectively executed.

To achieve quick results in marketing, businesses need to focus on key factors. Firstly, they need to clearly identify their target customers and understand their needs. The next step is to create compelling and innovative messages to capture attention.

Utilizing digital marketing channels helps businesses effectively reach their target customers. Through this, essential needs are gradually formed in customers’ minds through the value and benefits of the product or service. Finally, each campaign should be regularly measured to ensure effectiveness and make timely adjustments.

Marketing needs to bring fast results. Source (Joe Sullivan 2019)

By following these steps, businesses can achieve both great and sustainable results.

With nearly two decades of experience, GAPIT Media provides comprehensive Digital Marketing solutions to clients across various industries, including Finance, Real Estate, FMCG, Agriculture, Healthcare, and more. Among these services are strategic consulting and tailored Marketing communication packages designed for different types and scales of businesses, helping you optimize your budget and achieve effective implementation.

Cracking The 5 Most Crucial Marketing Skills Secret

Facing the explosive era of advertising on the Internet, businesses have to compete more fiercely. The booming field of Digital Marketing offers an opportunity to reach online customers, while also presenting challenges that require adept application of skills in communication activities.

The upcoming years are promising and exciting for the Digital Marketing industry as more and more people tend to make online purchases. This trend has prompted companies to shift their focus toward digital platforms to enhance their customer reach and drive sales growth. However, to succeed in a rapidly evolving market, Digital Marketers need to master the following five fundamental skills:

Marketing requires different skills. Source (Serendipty n.d)

Copywriting: Words are power. Source (ATLS n.d)

1. Copywriting

The development of AI-powered writing tools can not replace the value of human content creators; on the contrary, it allows us to leverage AI to write advertisements faster and more effectively. In digital marketing, mastering the skill of copywriting is a way to enhance the persuasiveness of advertising content, generate empathy in readers, and bring them closer to making a purchase decision.

To create effective advertising content, content writers need to develop logical thinking, creativity, flexibility in understanding customer psychology, and foundational knowledge of article structure, keywords, and SEO.


Search Engine Optimization is an essential tool in digital marketing. Source (Quach Quynh n.d)

2. SEO – Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization, commonly known as SEO, is an essential tool in digital marketing. Why is it said so? SEO helps marketers optimize their websites to achieve higher rankings on search engine result pages. Additionally, SEO helps increase website traffic, thereby boosting opportunities for product sales.

To optimize SEO, users need specialized knowledge and understanding of various aspects, including keyword and website analysis skills, competitor identification, proficient SEO techniques, understanding of user experience, and the ability to evaluate the quality of SEO content.

The effectiveness of SEO primarily relates to its ranking. The higher the ranking, the greater the likelihood of users clicking on the website. Instead of scrolling down or searching on subsequent pages, users tend to click on the top-ranked content displayed on the first page when searching for keywords.


Marketing through touchpoints on social channels. Source (OnShop n.d)

3. Social Media Marketing

Social media is a potential market for creativity and innovation. The latest statistics in 2023 indicate that nearly 60% of the world’s population uses social media. Among them, the most popular platforms are Facebook with 2.9 billion users, YouTube with 2.6 billion users, Instagram with 1.47 billion users, and the recent fastest-growing platform, TikTok, which reached 1 billion users in a short period of time after its launch.

The opportunity to reach a large number of potential customers through social media platforms also poses a challenge to the creativity of marketers. Innovation requires quick updates on diverse, unique, and engaging forms of content on these platforms. Therefore, social media communication demands a higher level of expertise in creating an appealing online presence to seek and develop one’s own customer base. However, to acquire customers, it is essential to have a solid grasp of the following fundamental social media communication skills:

+ Understanding current communication strategies.

+ Understanding the functions of each social media platform.

+ Responding to customer feedback to gain insights into their needs and enhance interaction.


People analyze data to make accurate decisions. Source (CareerBuilder n.d)

4. Data Analysis

Data has become an indispensable factor in the field of marketing and has garnered the attention of experts. With its ability to provide valuable information, data empowers them to make better-informed decisions.

Over time, the increasingly important role of data has been affirmed. Marketing experts utilize data analysis techniques to assess effectiveness and improve their marketing strategies. Proficiency in data analysis and research brings numerous benefits to the communication process, from collecting and evaluating data on customer satisfaction to making accurate predictions and conclusions about the collected data results.


 Email marketing is an effective tool that contributes to increasing awareness of products and services. Source (MISA AMIS 2021)

5. Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for building customer relationships and driving sales. With email marketing, you can send direct messages to your target customers. Moreover, email marketing is an effective tool that contributes to increasing awareness of the products and services your business offers and creates a stronger bond with customers.

To become a successful email marketer, you need to understand how to create effective email campaigns, segment your email lists, and measure the feasibility of your campaigns. You also need to have the ability to write compelling ad copy and design visually appealing email templates.

Digital marketing is an opportunity for everyone to grow their business. Source( VN4U n.d)

With the continuous development of digital marketing, Copywriting, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Data Analysis, and Email Marketing have proven their strength and impact in brand building, increasing engagement, and driving sales. By combining and maximizing these elements, marketers can go further in building successful strategies and impressing customers to achieve sustainable growth in the competitive digital market.